12 February 2015


In the first part of this tutorial, we took care of cloning a template project and setting up our environment.

In this part, we will set up a new activity, define a new layout and clean up the project files.


First, I’m going to create a new layout avoiding the traditional XML and doing it programmatically using only Scala.


In order to do this, we’re going to need two png drawables for the different states of the LEDs.

One for the on state.


Another for the off state.


Next, let’s create a new activity that will replace the default HelloScaloid activity.

I’m going to call this new activity BinaryClock that extends the SActivity and I’ll define a few members.

I keep references to all the image views inside the class scope since they will be updated when the time changes from another method.

I also keep a single reference to the drawables I’ll be using in order to avoid repeating myself.

Then I define layout parameters and gravities for the sake of clarity further down.

The lazy val declarations makes it possible to protect against NPE before the values are initialized during the oncreate callback event, it is only when these variables are de-referenced for the first that an object will be instantiated and their values will be set accordingly.

class BinaryClock extends SActivity{
  //Seconds first column LEDs
  lazy val s0Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s0Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s0Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s0Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Seconds second column LEDs
  lazy val s1Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s1Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s1Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s1Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Minutes first column LEDs
  lazy val m0Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m0Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m0Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m0Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Minutes first column LEDs
  lazy val m1Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m1Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m1Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m1Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Hours first column LEDs
  lazy val h0Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h0Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h0Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h0Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Hours first column LEDs
  lazy val h1Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h1Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  lazy val ledOffDrawable = getResources.getDrawable(R.drawable.led_off)
  lazy val ledOnDrawable = getResources.getDrawable(R.drawable.led_on)

  //Layout params definitions
  lazy val ledColumnLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(40 dip, 200.dip)
  lazy val legendColumnLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(20 dip, 200.dip)
  lazy val separatorColumnLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(8 dip, 200 dip)
  lazy val squareElementLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 40 dip)

  //Columns gravity definitions
  val ledColumnGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
  val legendColumnGravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
  val separatorColumnGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
  val squareElementGravity = Gravity.CENTER | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL

After, I define a few helper methods that will take care of styling the UI elements. Each will accept a specific type of Android UI widget and set the correct attributes.

def styleBinaryPlaceHolder (t: STextView): STextView = {
  t height 40.dip  typeface Typeface.MONOSPACE textSize 10.dip gravity Gravity.CENTER textColor getResources.getColor(R.color.label)

def styleTimePlaceHolder (t: STextView): STextView = {
  t height 40.dip  typeface Typeface.MONOSPACE textSize 15.dip gravity Gravity.CENTER textColor getResources.getColor(R.color.label)

def styleLedDrawable (i: SImageView): SImageView = {
  i backgroundColor android.R.color.transparent imageDrawable ledOffDrawable layoutParams squareElementLayoutParams scaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER

Since we reference R.color into the previous methods, it’s important to define colors.xml with the appropriate elements. We only two colors, one the for background and another for the text labels. This also makes it easy to change colors later on.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="background">#f62a2a2a</color>
    <color name="label">#ffffdf10</color>

Next, let’s implement the onCreate method, it’s analogous to the regular onCreate event from a Java Activity.

In this method, I will assemble the elements of the layout in 8 columns nested into a root layout of type of LinearLayout.

All the columns are also LinearLayouts but Scaloid provides syntactic sugar in order to avoid having to manually specify a vertical LinearLayout.

These columns of LinearLayouts contain various elements, either image views containing the LED drawables or text labels helping the user.

In order to style these elements, I call the helper methods that I previously defined.

onCreate {
  //Linear layouts that will make all the different the columns
  val binaryLegendLeft = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleBinaryPlaceHolder(t)
  } gravity legendColumnGravity layoutParams legendColumnLayoutParams
  val binaryLegendRight = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleBinaryPlaceHolder(t)
  } gravity legendColumnGravity layoutParams legendColumnLayoutParams
  val hours0 = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
      case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
    this += h0Led1
    this += h0Led2
    this += h0Led4
    this += h0Led8
  } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams
  val hours1 = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
      case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
    this += h1Led1
    this += h1Led2
  } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams
  val minutes0 = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
      case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
    this += m0Led1
    this += m0Led2
    this += m0Led4
    this += m0Led8
  } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams
  val minutes1 = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
      case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
    this += m1Led1
    this += m1Led2
    this += m1Led4
    this += m1Led8
  } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams
  val seconds0 = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
      case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
    this += s0Led1
    this += s0Led2
    this += s0Led4
    this += s0Led8
  } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams
  val seconds1 = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
      case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
    this += s1Led1
    this += s1Led2
    this += s1Led4
    this += s1Led8
  } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams
  val separatorLeft = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
  } gravity separatorColumnGravity layoutParams separatorColumnLayoutParams
  val separatorRight = new SVerticalLayout {
    style {
      case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
  } gravity separatorColumnGravity layoutParams separatorColumnLayoutParams
  //This is where we set the content view
  contentView = new SLinearLayout {
    this += binaryLegendLeft
    this += hours1
    this += hours0
    this += separatorLeft
    this += minutes1
    this += minutes0
    this += separatorRight
    this += seconds1
    this += seconds0
    this += binaryLegendRight
   .layoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT))


package com.dontbelievethebyte.binaryclock

import android.graphics.Typeface
import android.view.{ViewGroup, Gravity}
import android.widget.{ImageView, LinearLayout}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.scaloid.common._

class BinaryClock extends SActivity{
  //Seconds first column LEDs
  lazy val s0Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s0Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s0Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s0Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Seconds second column LEDs
  lazy val s1Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s1Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s1Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val s1Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Minutes first column LEDs
  lazy val m0Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m0Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m0Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m0Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Minutes first column LEDs
  lazy val m1Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m1Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m1Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val m1Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Hours first column LEDs
  lazy val h0Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h0Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h0Led4 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h0Led8 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  //Hours first column LEDs
  lazy val h1Led1 : SImageView = new SImageView()
  lazy val h1Led2 : SImageView = new SImageView()

  lazy val ledOffDrawable = getResources.getDrawable(R.drawable.led_off)
  lazy val ledOnDrawable = getResources.getDrawable(R.drawable.led_on)

  //Layout params definitions
  lazy val ledColumnLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(40 dip, 200.dip)
  lazy val legendColumnLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(20 dip, 200.dip)
  lazy val separatorColumnLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(8 dip, 200 dip)
  lazy val squareElementLayoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 40 dip)

  //Columns gravity definitions
  val ledColumnGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
  val legendColumnGravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
  val separatorColumnGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
  val squareElementGravity = Gravity.CENTER | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL

  onCreate {

    //Linear layouts that will make all the different the columns
    val binaryLegendLeft = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleBinaryPlaceHolder(t)
    } gravity legendColumnGravity layoutParams legendColumnLayoutParams

    val binaryLegendRight = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleBinaryPlaceHolder(t)
    } gravity legendColumnGravity layoutParams legendColumnLayoutParams

    val hours0 = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
        case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
      this += h0Led1
      this += h0Led2
      this += h0Led4
      this += h0Led8
    } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams

    val hours1 = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
        case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
      this += h1Led1
      this += h1Led2
    } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams

    val minutes0 = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
        case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
      this += m0Led1
      this += m0Led2
      this += m0Led4
      this += m0Led8
    } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams

    val minutes1 = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
        case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
      this += m1Led1
      this += m1Led2
      this += m1Led4
      this += m1Led8
    } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams

    val seconds0 = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
        case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
      this += s0Led1
      this += s0Led2
      this += s0Led4
      this += s0Led8
    } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams

    val seconds1 = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
        case i: SImageView => styleLedDrawable(i)
      this += s1Led1
      this += s1Led2
      this += s1Led4
      this += s1Led8
    } gravity ledColumnGravity layoutParams ledColumnLayoutParams

    val separatorLeft = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
    } gravity separatorColumnGravity layoutParams separatorColumnLayoutParams

    val separatorRight = new SVerticalLayout {
      style {
        case t: STextView => styleTimePlaceHolder(t)
    } gravity separatorColumnGravity layoutParams separatorColumnLayoutParams

    //This is where we set the content view
    contentView = new SLinearLayout {
      this += binaryLegendLeft
      this += hours1
      this += hours0
      this += separatorLeft
      this += minutes1
      this += minutes0
      this += separatorRight
      this += seconds1
      this += seconds0
      this += binaryLegendRight
     .layoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT))

  def styleBinaryPlaceHolder (t: STextView): STextView = {
    t height 40.dip  typeface Typeface.MONOSPACE textSize 10.dip gravity Gravity.CENTER textColor getResources.getColor(R.color.label)

  def styleTimePlaceHolder (t: STextView): STextView = {
    t height 40.dip  typeface Typeface.MONOSPACE textSize 15.dip gravity Gravity.CENTER textColor getResources.getColor(R.color.label)

  def styleLedDrawable (i: SImageView): SImageView = {
    i backgroundColor android.R.color.transparent imageDrawable ledOffDrawable layoutParams squareElementLayoutParams scaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER


We can now delete the HelloScaloid activity and commit our changes.

We can also change the package name from the manifest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <application android:label="BinaryClock" >
        <activity android:name="BinaryClock"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Return 0

That’s it for now.

In part 3, I will implement the logic that updates the SImageView(s) according to the current time and define another method that display a toast reflecting the current time in the traditional human readable form.

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