05 January 2014

The Problem

Taking multiple screenshots from an Android device or emulator presents a few problems.

Different implementations of the emulator are buggy, especially since the introduction of the video capture feature on KitKat and up when used in conjunction with the native GPU feature.

A solution

Assuming you’re already connected to an emulator using adb, you can take screenshots at different intervals using the following script.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [[ $1 =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then
    echo "Screenshots at interval of $1 seconds"
    echo "Not a valid interval"

while true; do
    DATE=`date +%H%M%S`
    adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/$DATE.png
    adb pull /sdcard/$DATE.png
    adb shell rm /sdcard/$DATE.png
    sleep $1;

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