25 March 2013


SprdCMS is my first attempt at creating an MVC application from scratch.

It’s made to run on the good old LAMP stack but I actually run it on the LEMP stack at the moment.

It doesn’t use any known framework, just bare PHP, it has many flaws and was built as a learning tool for OOP and design patterns.

I built this in conjunction of reading the book PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice from Apress.

A demo version of SprdCMS on a live site can be found here.


  • Easy walk through installation with client side and server side validation.
  • User friendly administrative interface.
  • Create arbitrary categories and reorder articles.
  • CSV batch upload of products from Spreadshirt.
  • Customizable templates rendering with Twitter Bootstrap on the client side interface.
  • Can work alongside any existing website, in a subdirectory or a subdomain.
  • Simulated shopping cart for better integration.


SprdCMS installation


SprdCMS administration



The full source code is available on github.

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